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Post by dilwyn »

RalfR wrote:
dilwyn wrote:I remember that Ralf picked up a few words of Welsh quite easily when he visited Wales some years ago (Hi Ralf).
Mae'n rhaid mai dyma'r geiriau "Pa mor sbeislyd ydych chi ei eisiau?"

:D :D
He he, glad you remember that one, Ralf! :D

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Post by dilwyn »

Sorry to hijack Per's thread with this one, I couldn't resist this for Ralf.

Code: Select all

100 REMark RANDOM welsh generator for Ralf
110 REMark Welsh alphabet does not have some English consonants,
120 REMark and J technically not in Welsh alphabet
130 REMark but how can I be a Jones without it?
140 :
160 CLS : CLS #0
170 FOR sentence = 1 TO RND(2 TO 5)
180   FOR word = 1 TO RND(3 TO 12)
190     wrd$ = ''
200     FOR letter = 1 TO RND(2 TO 8)
210       REMark make random words up to 8 letters long.
220       REMark double up on vowels to make it look more like
230       REMark Welsh words as Welsh has more vowels than English
240       REMark w and y are vowels in Welsh
250       char = CODE("aabcdeefghiijlmnooprstuuwwyy"(RND(1 TO 28)))
260       REMark capitalise start of sentence
270       IF word = 1 AND letter = 1 THEN char = char-32
280       wrd$ = wrd$ & CHR$(char)
290     END FOR letter
300     PRINT !wrd$;
310   END FOR word
320   PRINT '.';
330 END FOR sentence
340 PRINT\\"And thus ends Ralf's Welsh lessons!"
It was an interesting little 10 minute programming exercice in itself. Generates a few sentences of "Welsh" for Ralf! Have fun with it, Ralf.

Could be any language actually... Makes me think of how long it would take for an infinite number of monkeys typing to generate the known literature of mankind. Amazingly, it produces the odd real word, thanks to the dreaded QL random number generator.

I sent it to my girlfriend, asking her to try to decode the encoded Welsh, then left it for a few minutes before explaining it was just random text created by a computer made to look like real text. Might be fun for those learning S*BASIC to tinker with to improve.

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Post by pjw »

dilwyn wrote:<>
Well, an incident this morning has put me right off Wordle (not the Per variety). I asked a question on a Welsh language Bookface group about how the Welsh version would work (accented vowels and the double-consonants), so that I could prepare a wordlist for Per's version, and because the group insists on a photo with each post, I copied a photo I found online to satisfy the rules of the group. What I had no way of knowing was that the photo happened to contain the answer to a current puzzle and you would not believe the abusive messages I got within minutes of the post, one of which would have been enough to go to the police over had I not immediately deleted the DM before I thought of that. It's only a game indeed Marcel - Online Brits are getting more like a Trumpian state every day with their crazy behaviour. <>
You shouldve just posted something like this:
Today's brag
Today's brag
CLEAR.jpg (21.27 KiB) Viewed 2199 times
That might have left them all schtum with confusion!
(Im expecting a huge aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahrg! now from certain quarters, so I better sign out and pull the plug! ;))

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Post by dilwyn »

pjw wrote:
dilwyn wrote:<>
Well, an incident this morning has put me right off Wordle (not the Per variety). I asked a question on a Welsh language Bookface group about how the Welsh version would work (accented vowels and the double-consonants), so that I could prepare a wordlist for Per's version, and because the group insists on a photo with each post, I copied a photo I found online to satisfy the rules of the group. What I had no way of knowing was that the photo happened to contain the answer to a current puzzle and you would not believe the abusive messages I got within minutes of the post, one of which would have been enough to go to the police over had I not immediately deleted the DM before I thought of that. It's only a game indeed Marcel - Online Brits are getting more like a Trumpian state every day with their crazy behaviour. <>
You shouldve just posted something like this:

That might have left them all schtum with confusion!
(Im expecting a huge aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahrg! now from certain quarters, so I better sign out and pull the plug! ;))
He he, good idea Per.
I had no idea that I had inadvertently posted the solution of the day, I didn't even know how to play the game, and I certainly had no idea people would react in the over-the-top way they did. I duly complained about the way people reacted and promptly got thrown out of the group. So sad that people take "just a game" so seriously.

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Post by XorA »

dilwyn wrote:
pjw wrote:
dilwyn wrote:<>
Well, an incident this morning has put me right off Wordle (not the Per variety). I asked a question on a Welsh language Bookface group about how the Welsh version would work (accented vowels and the double-consonants), so that I could prepare a wordlist for Per's version, and because the group insists on a photo with each post, I copied a photo I found online to satisfy the rules of the group. What I had no way of knowing was that the photo happened to contain the answer to a current puzzle and you would not believe the abusive messages I got within minutes of the post, one of which would have been enough to go to the police over had I not immediately deleted the DM before I thought of that. It's only a game indeed Marcel - Online Brits are getting more like a Trumpian state every day with their crazy behaviour. <>
You shouldve just posted something like this:

That might have left them all schtum with confusion!
(Im expecting a huge aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahrg! now from certain quarters, so I better sign out and pull the plug! ;))
He he, good idea Per.
I had no idea that I had inadvertently posted the solution of the day, I didn't even know how to play the game, and I certainly had no idea people would react in the over-the-top way they did. I duly complained about the way people reacted and promptly got thrown out of the group. So sad that people take "just a game" so seriously.
Stupid thing is wordle is open source, you can just do view source and find the list of all the answers :-D

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Post by dilwyn »

Finally got round to installing and trying out WQRDLI.
Worked first time (please don't fall over backward in shock). I was running it on QPC2 v5.02. Nicely presented and easy enough to use, with a good manual, and plenty of setup options.
My only semi-constructive comment would be to suggest a slightly wider area around the outer letter tiles. Occasionally the pointer drifts a little outside the program border if it was left near the tile for the first letter and things stop until you notice the out-of-area icon, which disrupts the flow of the game (yes, I have that type of mouse that makes the pointer drift a few pixels when you let go of it to use the keyboard).
It's not a program I'll use regularly, it and I are just not on the same wavelength, more of a criticism of me than the program. Guess I'm just not cut out for thiis type of game, plus that sour taste left in my mouth after the weekend experiences at the hands of some Wordle fanatics elsewhere meant I decided it's not for me.
It's certainly up to Per's usual standards. I'm sure fans of Wordle will like it, to make it worth Per's efforts to make very welcome new QL software.

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Post by pjw »

Thanks, Dilwyn! Thats just the sort of thing I need for encouragement and
improvement. I dont play a lot of games myself, except for the odd card
solitaire that helps me relax AND concentrate while Im listening to my
regular radio programs/podcasts (asymmetric multitasking?) and WQRDLI, for
obvious reasons, works counter to that! Still, I can enjoy a grid or two of
WQRDLI when I have nothing better on..

I guess I could widen the margins a bit, but that might lead to increasing
the height too for symmetry. But even the smallest 5x5 grid is close to the
256 y-limit of a QL screen.. By how many pixels would you propose?

I usually offer lots of configuration items with my programs, not
necessarily because I want to fiddle with every thing, but because the one
or two things I NEED to change should be on the menu, and people have
different needs..

PS: Have you tried putting a weight on the mouse's "tail"? Find the
right length of tail and then lock it down with something heavy. That,
at least, stops my mouse from drifting..

PPS: How did you get on with the Welsh word list?

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Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Per,

I downloaded, WQRDLI and loaded into SMSQmulator, all worked first time, looks a nice game programme.

Sorry I have not been more supportive, I have been a little busy lately...


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Post by pjw »

Moved to different topic
Last edited by pjw on Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by pjw »

dilwyn wrote:Sorry to hijack Per's thread with this one, I couldn't resist this for Ralf.
Yay! My computer has a soul! I understood every word it wrote to me! Pure poetry!

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