ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

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Over Heated PSU
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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch

Post by nikosdoykas »

AND fdi works on areal ql on qubide/ata
1st QUESTION so its any fdi disk image to test it????
image of PAWN DONT WORK (Βad parameter)

2nd QUESTION MDI image to download???????

so i download the josiah arkanoid............ tis .mdv
i convert the mdv to mdi image(ql take about 5 min to do the convert)
mount to mdi and...... dir mdv1
i see 7 files
1 boot
2 _
3 piccy
4 (one empty block)
5 (two empty blocks)
6 (tree empty blocks)
7 (four empty blocks)

so i type mdi_use mdv
then lrun mdv1_boot
1 the piccy load (spacebar)
2 welcome screen (spacebar)
3 black screen..........(ok i reset)
in the time i press the reset for one second,,,,,,,,,i see the screen of the inrtuctions of the game....
i tested with minerva 1,98 an jm rom the same thing
i copy fromn mdi to win1__ wcopy and all the game was in win1_
tthen i run it win_use mdv ect ect (ql reboots in minerva and in jm rom versions(two diferrent qls)

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch

Post by Martin_Head »

nikosdoykas wrote:AND fdi works on areal ql on qubide/ata
1st QUESTION so its any fdi disk image to test it????
image of PAWN DONT WORK (Βad parameter)

2nd QUESTION MDI image to download???????

so i download the josiah arkanoid............ tis .mdv
i convert the mdv to mdi image(ql take about 5 min to do the convert)
mount to mdi and...... dir mdv1
i see 7 files
1 boot
2 _
3 piccy
4 (one empty block)
5 (two empty blocks)
6 (tree empty blocks)
7 (four empty blocks)

so i type mdi_use mdv
then lrun mdv1_boot
1 the piccy load (spacebar)
2 welcome screen (spacebar)
3 black screen..........(ok i reset)
in the time i press the reset for one second,,,,,,,,,i see the screen of the inrtuctions of the game....
i tested with minerva 1,98 an jm rom the same thing
i copy fromn mdi to win1__ wcopy and all the game was in win1_
tthen i run it win_use mdv ect ect (ql reboots in minerva and in jm rom versions(two diferrent qls)
ANY IDEAS?????105_0049.JPG105_0048.JPG105_0047.JPG105_0046.JPG105_0045.JPG
Looking at the third picture. You say you converted a qlay .mdv file to mdi format. The 88/254 sectors looks suspicious. As a real Microdrive would never have that many sectors. You may be hitting some copy protection where the Microdrive map has been messed about with. (Unless something went a bit wrong in the conversion process)

Also I find that the medium name and sector counts on the same line look suspicious.

As Rich Mellor say's it may be 128K only. In which case you may be a bit stuck.

I have downloaded the zip file and when I have some time, I will have a look at the internal structure of the qlay image file to see if anything odd is going on in it.

Over Heated PSU
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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by nikosdoykas »

yesterday i see something else...... i press all the keys on the ql butt nothing on 3rd screen black
so o press ctrl+space ..... nothing(so i start press keys randomly ) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
at f5 first space sec.....f5 space change the raster o the vertical bar on black screen (it have very tiny mlack bars.....) in 3 time of f5 first space sec....... i se the instructions so i read alll(hehehe it isto many pages i can put somemuch pics) then on end (or esc)black sreen again f5 (1) and space i got the screen again so i press the s(start game)black screen ....(the game works i hear sound an music ) ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by Martin_Head »

I have had a quick play...

In picture 5 above, Is that my MDIConvert2_bas program? You would be much better using the CONVERT2_xxx commands built into the MDI driver for image file conversions. (and they are much faster too)

So I first converted the Qlay image into a MDI image, using the above commands. Then I converted the MDI image to a Qemulator image.
And tried the Qemulator image in Qemulator, and it runs OK with more than 128K or RAM and JM/JS and Minerva.

I then installed the MDI driver in Qemulator and tried it.
And it works... After pressing 'S' to start, press the space bar when it says LEVEL 1

Yes the MDI driver is v1.08, and no you don't have a out of date copy. V1.08 has not been released yet.

And here's the three image files...
Josiah1.mdv is the original Qlay file
Josiah2_img is the MDI file
Josiah3.mdv is the Qemulator file
Josiah oobadiah.zip
(119.66 KiB) Downloaded 205 times

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by nikosdoykas »

so you gona release 1,08?? in real hardware i got black screen after the s(start game)

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by Martin_Head »

nikosdoykas wrote:so you gona release 1,08?? in real hardware i got black screen after the s(start game)
I doubt that it would help you. I have not made any changes to the core driver. I have mostly just tided up the SuperBASIC extensions parameter handling and error checking.

There are now function versions of MOUNT, UNMOUNT, and MAKE. Also the UNMOUNT command closes any open channels to the image device, and removes it's Physical definition block before closing the image file.

I have done the same things to the FDI drivers, and I was getting them ready for release. Then I started to write a free standing image file utilities program for converting directly between the three different Microdrive image file formats and making blank image files, without having to have the MDI driver installed. But I haven't decided whether to incorporate this into the MDI driver or not.

If you want a copy of V1.08 send me a PM with an email address, and I will send you it.

For anyone else reading this. If you have any bug reports for the MDI or FDI drivers, or requests for new features. Now would be a good time.

Something I was thinking about for the MDI driver is Direct sector access. Either something like the floppy disk OPEN#3,"flp1_*2d2" , or SuperBASIC extensions. But I am not sure if anyone would actually want it.

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by nikosdoykas »

so one question.... how i can .... zip a folder in real ql???(ι got the josiah now in a win1_a folder and i want to make the all game zip)

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by NormanDunbar »

If you have the pointer environment installed, then this is best: http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/arch/acp4e01.zip from Dilwyn's web site. There are numerous archiving programs at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/arch/index.html too, if the above is not to your satisfaction.

Have fun.


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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by Martin_Head »

I started to have a look inside the Josiah Oobadiah game to see if it looks like it overwrites anything it should not.

From what I have seen so far, it does not.

It checks the medium name of the device it loads from. (So making it run from a hard drive might be a problem)

It then allocates about 74K in the Resident procedure area, and loads all the files into that.

If you want to get the MDI driver out of the loop, you can put the game onto a floppy. FORMAT "flp1_J Oobadiah" first, then copy the files across. And use FLP_USE MDV before running.

I was wondering if the game does not like to be loaded above a certain address. I only have the unregistered Qemulator, so I cannot go above 384K of RAM.

Can you try something like RES_128 to reduce the amount of available RAM.

BTW. I tried to run the game in QPC2, It goes a bit odd. At the F1,F2 screen a lot of text scrolls across the bottom of the screen, much too fast to read. When you press 'S' the game tries to run, then enters you into the high score table.

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Re: ql superbomber and m-crunch ..and more things

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I been on holiday drinking wine in Majorca and this reading thread, now I am back home I thought I might throw a little comment.

The Josiah Oobadiah game downloaded is in a QLAY MDV format.

The game runs in QEMulator once the MDV file is mount to a MDV slot, but is also too fast, needs to be slowed down.

To use the MDV file with MDI needs to be converted using the MDICONVERT2_BAS programme supplied with MDI v1.07.

I converted the "josiah.mdv" file to "josiah_mdi" file and used QPC2:

MOUNT_MDI 1,"win1_josiah_mdi"
LRUN "mdv1_boot"

The game ran okay, but a little too fast and is unplayable.

I tried SMSQmulator, the same result, too fast and unplayable, maybe the SLUG extension could used to slow things down.

I loaded the MDI file josiah_mdi in a Q68 in DISP_MODE 1 (512x256 4/8 colours) running SMSQ/E 3.34, same as QPC2 and SMSQmulator.

The game runs perfect on the Q68 using:

MOUNT_MDI 1,"win1_josiah_mdi"
LRUN "mdv1_boot"

Quite playable and worth playing on the Q68.

I see no problems with MDI v1.07, I use it as standard in the Q68 to load in MDV image files and FDI image files.

The only hard bit of the process is recognising the different MDV image formats, could MDI be updated to use any MDV image format.

This would make a possible easy way to interchange files without worrying about file headers.


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