Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by dilwyn »

I reported to Keith (who maintains Quanta website) that the library download link didn't work, he has fixed it and says it was an issue with an update to the host software which did something to the links. Seems to work now.

A couple of the back issue magazine links don't work either, so I've passed that info on to him.

Seems that Quanta is there, just inactive. In particular lacking an editor with time to do things and lack of contributions to be able to make the newsletters in the first place.

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by RWAP »

Just a heads up - the issue with the library is that many of the programs were submitted to the library for use by Quanta members only.

I talked things through with the Quanta committee at the time of the adoption of the latest constitution, and it was agreed then in 2020 to make free membership available to all, so that you could then legally use the library without having to pay anything to join Quanta!

Beyond that, I don't think anything is now happening - as John and Sarah have been tied up with moving house and health issues.

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by kermit999 »

Ive tried several times to rejoin using their web page. Never heard a peep ! Must’ve rapped up, or don’t want any new members

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Martin_Head »

At the beginning of March, I got a letter from Sarah Gilpin. Asking if I wished to continue receiving the magazine.

Did anyone else get the same letter?

It mentions the General Data Protection Regulation. So I assume that Quanta is not officially dead yet.

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Martin

No, I didn't...

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Martin_Head »

The letter was dated 1st March.

It asked if I wished to continue to receive the magazine, and if I was willing to accept the magazine as an email in the future.
And I had to confirm that I wanted to be kept on the mailing list.

It also said that I would not be contacted again unless I responded by mail, or email by the 28th of March.

I don't know if that meant that the Quanta membership would be terminated, if I did not respond.

I sent an email, but have not received any response as yet.

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Martin_Head »

I received a Quanta magazine as an email attachment yesterday. Not had a chance to read it yet, just a quick scan through.

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by martyn_hill »

Just to update - Mr Southern was in touch yesterday via email - looking forward to recieving the new magazine!

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Sparrowhawk »

I've applied to rejoin again - hopefully my email will get through this time! :)

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I received an email PDF version of the Quanta last night


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