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Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:44 pm
by TMD2003

This week, the first submission I had was another one from Jamie Bradbury: Blind Snake Moan, the name of which now makes sense since someone on WOS explained it.

And secondly: you've all seen it above. Don't Shoot the QL has just had its official review posted, and I see some of you have sampled it already! The package I provide from the CSSCGC website has a few additions - a raw _BAS dump, a microdrive image (so that the high score table can be saved), and some extra documentation so that those who have never tried a QL at any stage might be able to load and run it. In my posts on SC and WOS, where there will be plenty of QL noobs, I've asked them to test out the instructions I've written to run the SuperBASIC version of this game on QPC2, so that it can run at a reasonable speed (once it's slowed down in the F1 menu).

I'm still having problems with the compiled version, though - on QemuLator 3.3.1 it will load and execute but immediately quit to the programming prompt as soon as the high score table appears. I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong or whether the compiler is still throwing a strop. Of course, those of you who know more about QL programming than I do could run it through Turbo or QLiberator yourselves and see if your results are any better. I thought it best to get the review up and running - and if there are any further revisions (say, a version 1.02 where the compiled code will run on QemuLator 3.3.1 without any trouble), I'll add a note to the review and revise the downloadable archive.

Cheers for your contribution, Dilwyn! Now, I wonder if anyone else wants to have a crack at this - or if QBits will return at any stage within the next few months and officially submit that noughts and crosses game...

Also, I'm tempted to take Complex Maths... WITH DRAGONS! that was my ZX80 submission from last year, and up-convert it for the QL, complete with dragon graphics in all the colours of the Welsh flag - which the QL can do even in Mode 4! And I'll probably still use a big CSIZE because there's no way I'll need 80-odd characters across the screen. All I have to do first is get a real handle on the graphics commands (BLOCK seems to be very troublesome, for reasons I can't fathom), and I'll have to see if there's anything that works like the Dragon 32's GET and PUT.

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:59 pm
by EmmBee
TMD2003 wrote:I'm still having problems with the compiled version, though - on QemuLator 3.3.1 it will load and execute but immediately quit to the programming prompt as soon as the high score table appears. I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong or whether the compiler is still throwing a strop. Of course, those of you who know more about QL programming than I do could run it through Turbo or QLiberator yourselves and see if your results are any better. I thought it best to get the review up and running - and if there are any further revisions (say, a version 1.02 where the compiled code will run on QemuLator 3.3.1 without any trouble), I'll add a note to the review and revise the downloadable archive.
I’ve managed to replicate what you see. While setting Qemulator to run at Full Speed results in the task starting up correctly, setting Original QL Speed results in what you’ve described. However, the task is still running! You need to press Ctrl-C to get back there.

If we want our task to always start up correctly, then some additional programming is needed. This will need to be done right at the start, else it might not work. Here is what I would add …

Code: Select all

152 Turbo = (2/3 = 0) : REMark Turbo detected by integer division
154 REMark Set #0 to own the Keyboard Queue
156 IF Turbo : CURSOR_ON #0 : CURSOR_OFF #0 : ELSE CURSEN #0 : PAUSE 30 : CURDIS #0
I’ve tested the above with both Turbo and QLiberator and it works.

Notice at the end of the program there are some routines that only the Interpreter uses. These have been excluded from the QLiberator compiled job with REMark $$off and $$on. This piece of code also needs to be excluded from the Turbo compiled version, which can be done using Turbo’s DEBUG directive. The final part would look like this …

Code: Select all

4645 IF Turbo : DEBUG 1
4650 REMark $$off
 . . .
 . . . code to be excluded from the compiler
 . . .
4930 REMark $$on
4940 IF Turbo : DEBUG 0
I like Dilwyn's program very much. I hope it does well in the competition.


Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:38 am
by stevepoole
Hi Folks,

Here's another revised 'invaders' game :

Unzip, LRUN or EXEC, then use left,right or down-arrow keys...

Enjoy !

(1.95 KiB) Downloaded 155 times

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:50 am
by TMD2003
stevepoole wrote:Hi Folks,

Here's another revised 'invaders' game :

Unzip, LRUN or EXEC, then use left,right or down-arrow keys...

Enjoy !
Steve - drop me an email (csscgc2021 at and as soon as I get it, I'll consider this an official entry. Though I'll test it sometime today anyway - if there needs to be a bit of forum-based fettling and feedback that improved Dilwyn's game, then I'll hold off an official review for a bit. I'm keeping to QemuLator 3.3.1 at standard speed as my official test bed - those of you who are far more adept with QPC2 and SMSQ/E will probably be able to slow it down to a manageable speed because I'll bet this will run like a Bugatti Chiron with extra superchargers on that system.

Now, if some could rattle QBits' cage to get in contact as well...

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:00 pm
by stevepoole

Sorry about this Folks : Invaders3_bas was already posted recently : And it was on my short-list for conversion to JavaScript, which is why I got confused...

But I will no longer be doing any JavaScript versions, as every time I do, the browsers evolve, so that they get shut out !

This is very annoying, as It involves a very big program (that I have been asked to distribute on smartphones for universal access) .

So JavaScript gets my nomination for the CRAP title...

Best wishes,

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:27 pm
by TMD2003

I've been busy this week! First there was Darío Ruellan's Shower Simulator, in which you can boil yourself alive like a lobster. HHUUUAAYY! Then there was Rob Edwards' 2D Deathchase, in which you can crash a motorbike into a tree, just not at night. Both are Spectrum games, 16K and 48K respectively.

As for the latest entry: I'd already written the review, so I thought it best not to wait for Steve to email me, so I could post it in time for this latest weekly round-up. So, Steve Poole, you've made CSSCGC history in that this is the first time there's ever been multiple entries for the QL. Of course, if QBits will actually visit here again and check the "private messages" folder, there should be a third.

In future, those who are reading this and want to put a QL game into the CSSCGC - and I will welcome it! - if you're going to post it here first, make sure it's got a big flashing neon sign that says "I'm entering it!" or similar. Everyone else, from SC and WOS, sticks to emailing me their entries (the address has been mentioned several times and is on the front page of the website), and I keep that monitored on a constant basis. As soon as I get the email, I take a look at the game.

Anyway, here's the review. I'm generous, so I'll repost both screenshots:

(CSIZE 0 - only works in monitor mode)

(CSIZE 3 in TV mode - works with both modes)

More QL, I say! More! Also, if any of you are adept at programming other Sinclair-related machines such as the SAM Coupé, I'll willingly take that as well. I further wonder if I'll get a Next entry some time later in the year when the second batch starts shipping (and I'm on the list for that).

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:45 pm
by TMD2003

There were no submissions this week, until about 40 minutes ago. That means that there will be a review coming either very late this evening, or (more likely) some time tomorrow, but it's too late to make the weekly round-up. One thing is for sure, though, the ZX81 has stopped being emo (because it's the ZX81's 40th birthday, if you hadn't noticed, and there were no submissions so far), and I have some further great hopes for this year's competition. Including, if I dare to dream, a QL entry from someone not usually associated with this forum. How'd you like to see that?

Operation Fly By Night (i.e. my house move project) is now into its final descent, and the good news is I've sorted out an internet connection for the relocated CSSCGC Towers, for one day after I move in. I'll be surrounded by utter chaos until at least the end of May, probably later, but sending me more Crap Games (QL or otherwise!) will give me something useful to do while I'm waiting for coats of paint to dry in the bedroom and the lounge.

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:56 pm
by TMD2003

Double figures on the weekly reports. Operation Fly By Night (Away From Here) is getting a bit fraught, but if I said I was grateful not to have received any entries since last Saturday, I'd be half-lying at least because I want them to keep coming in. I already have the promise of something I've seen a brief preview of.

Meanwhile, Mark Kinsey (1024MAK everywhere else) rescued the ZX81's 40th birthday from going completely emo with Don't Panic almost exactly a week ago (i.e. just after I'd posted the weekly round-up), then Jamie Bradbury spoiled the party with ZX Chuntey Inspector, about which I'm already having nightmares of a follow-up. "ZX Chuntey Inspector 2: Electric Boogaloo". Let's hope that one works, at least...

Nobody has made any attempt at the Cyan Challenge yet. I'm almost thinking it was a waste of a challenge slot, even though it'll be mildly amusing if I do get one, for a minute or so. ZX81, ZX80 and SAM Coupé entries can also count for this challenge - probably the QL as well, as I'll bet I've only ever seen half its error messages and some of them relating to microdrive operations will be really bizarre. (Does anyone here want to remedy that?)

Also - is QBits ever going to call back? That message has been in "Outbox" for an entire month now...

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 7:37 pm
by TMD2003

Just the one submission this week - Paul E. Collins' Balloonatix for the 48K Spectrum. As Crap Games go, that was a good one, despite the urge I had to throw all my computing equipment across the room into a pile of smashed circuit boards when I encountered the tremendously evil stage 7.

I would say "cheers for holding off on sending more Crap Games", because a fair chunk of this week has involved moving vast chunks of my worldly possessions - three Really Useful Boxes of Spectrum equipment included - into a storage unit. This time next week, the house will be stripped bare, and this time in two weeks, I'll be in another part of the country. So, reviews may not appear instantly in this interim period, but I will endeavour to get them out as soon as possible.

Re: The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2021: 25th edition extravaganza!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:05 pm
by TMD2003

Hva i helvete? It's been a blank week. And it's been a blank almost-two-weeks, seeing as the last submission was a day after the week 10 round-up. I've had promises, but these are yet to be fulfilled...

The week 13 round up will come from a different part of the country - CSSCGC Towers relocates in three days. I'll make sure I've got the computer up and running before I do anything else, but I might be scarce until then. If you have something to send, do so and I'll review it when I get a chance.