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Post by pjw »

NormanDunbar wrote:+1 for Kye, brilliant game which I "lost" many hours playing, and I don't tend to play many games. If I remember correctly, Kye was named after the author's dog which had a tendency to run amok at any time!

More here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kye_(video_game).
Yes, well, its not really for me. But if someone else has a go at producing it for a QL platform, Ill certainly have a go :)

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Post by pjw »

martyn_hill wrote:My own first experience of PC gaming was a terrific puzzle game called The Incredible Machine - see here on ''My Abandonware":

https://www.myabandonware.com/game/the- ... achine-1mg

I'd love to see something like this on the QL!
Well, that looks like fun :) Highcolour QLs should be up to the task. It would need someone with enough patience - and design skills, to realise.

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Post by pjw »

Peter wrote:
pjw wrote:Out of interest, what sort of games would you like to see?
I would love some realtime action on the screen. ;)
The thing is, expectations are higher now. Sure, if it was possible to do a reasonable shoot'em up on a BBQL, the same should be possible on a Q68, with some more speed and colours thrown in. But I fear that would soon be found to be disappointing. Once you add in realistic graphics, transparency, sound, etc, I think most QL platforms would struggle.*

I did some tests: One of them is my Bounce routine on Knoware/GO SUB: A small, semi-transparent ball bounces across the screen (Requires ptrmen_cde, from EasyPtr). That works well enough. But make yourself a larger ball (say 3x the size of the sample) and things start to get jerky. Sure, there is some overhead from the BASIC and parameter checking, but the underlying m/c routines are pretty much what would be required in any case.

It shouldnt be too hard to do a calculation (bandwidth, instruction count and timings, etc) of what is realistically possible. Of course, a proper programmer will usually find ways and means to overcome many hindrances, but I believe it would involve a lot of smoke and mirrors. Im happy to be proven wrong.

* Maybe theres a law: "Expectations are always at least 200% of what is possible at any given time." That might explain what drives innovation ;)

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Post by pjw »

mk79 wrote:As usual this is a highly professional, downright over-engineered piece of software from you. I already played a preview and besides the fact that I'm too dumb for it it works and plays very well :-)
Over-engineered is not professional: It is hobbyist ;) But thanks for your kind words. I guess as a brain-worker, the last thing you need at the end of the day is yet another problem! As for me, I find it strangely soothing when playing QOMBI whilst listening to the world news on the radio; it takes some of the edge of the horror of it all..

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Post by Dave »

Flashy graphics won't save bad gameplay. Even the simplest block graphics will work if the idea is engaging.

I spend more time playing card games than PUBG.

I've actually written a couple of games a ways back. One was an ATC simulator, and while it was pretty the game play wasn't very compelling. The other I still pick at occasionally, but it really won't play very well on unexpanded QL systems. Life's too short to play a game that slow. It plays decently on the Q68 though.

In my experience, implementing the code to make the game idea playable is fairly systematic, but coming up with engaging gameplay that gets harder at the right rate, engages with variety and doesn't become laborious is MUCH harder.

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Post by pjw »

Ive just updated Knoware! (In fact there have been a few updates since I last
mentioned it here.) But since at least one other person has been known to play
QOMBI, I thought it best to announce the
latest - necessary - update here to forestall any disappointment.

You see, after nearly a thousand games, I had my first rollover! This is that
sublime moment when youve cleared all the cards off the table and get a free
refill. The score doubling from previous tricks continues to accrue and your
score surpasses anything you could have gained by honest graft. Sadly, it then
went a bit like that story of the sorcerer's apprentice: The score doubling
refused to stop and made a complete mockery of all my hard work! (A score of
1742 not only looks, but IS, suspicious when the second highest, after more than
a year is a mere 325!)

Anyway, having the awesome responsibility of being God in the matter, I have now
sorted the problem - plus a few other minor nigglets (hopefully without causing
any new damage). The game should now allow you to exercise your bragging rights
legitimately - provided you upgrade!

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