Thor XVI - Request for documentation...

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Re: Thor XVI - Request for documentation...

Post by martyn_hill »

Good morning all - and Happy Mother's Day to our mainland European friends :-)

Just to close the loop on this request - after many hours of unpacking, searching for, reviewing and then scanning-in the Thor Technical Manual, Urs Koenig has very generously made available the FULL technical manaul that covers BOTH the original Thor 8/20/21 AND now the Thor XVI !

You can find the scanned doc via a link from his YouTube channel here:

I'm very grateful to Urs for his efforts - and for my part, will start a fresh thread on the Forum to document my progress in rejuvenating my poorly Thor XVI unit - its quite a marvelous beast!


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Re: Thor XVI - Request for documentation...

Post by Derek_Stewart »


The Thor Technical Manual was interesting to read, pity the
scanned pictures were not any better scanned.


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Re: Thor XVI - Request for documentation...

Post by aalea »

Very interesting, I think it expand a lot the information that dilwyn has in the web, that seen to be a extract of this.
it's a pity that do not have information on hardware of Thor 20, I'm very interested in the CPU expansion board.

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