Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by NormanDunbar »

From the email I received from John Southern yesterday evening, we must email a different address, if we wish to receive the Quanta magazine from this point onwards.

Also, there is still not an editor, if anyone fancies doing the work to produce the magazine? Plus, nobody has submitted any articles for publication in years! It looks like John has written the vast majority of the magazine himself.

C'mon folks, let's give John a helping hand and get an article or three written for him. I suspect he'll be pleased to receive anything, no matter how small.


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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Sparrowhawk »

I got mine! So if anyone is unsure , registration is working again .

Thanks QUANTA team :)

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Re: Is QUANTA stil alive / accepting members?

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Just receved Quanta Vol 41 Issue 2 email PDF copy.

Nice to see they are still around.

There is a really good article on SuperBASIC indenting by Dilwyn Jones.

I wish the Quants committee would use this Forum for QL matters, as they seem to be missing many new QL dates.


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