Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by t0nyt »

Managed to get my head around the config block stuff, in a small test harness

But it' doesn't seem to be appropriate to a LRESPR'd program of this sort, that I can see

Will just add an optional parameter to "menu" that can be an alternative path which is then stored in memory in-place of the default

Many thanks

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by tofro »

Config blocks work in just about everything, even S*BASIC programs. (It's plain simple, just some embedded bytes with a tag header so Config can find them. No obligation to use any specific compilation approach.)

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by NormanDunbar »

The official documentation for Config may also help. It's downloadable from Wolfgang's web site at


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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by t0nyt »

NormanDunbar wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:17 pm The official documentation for Config may also help. It's downloadable from Wolfgang's web site at

Thanks Norm

I did search the interweb for documentation but nothing came up in the search

Many thanks

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by tofro »

Unfortunately, Wolfgang's documentation describes the raw binary format expected by config. Tony's macros, however (which are a bit fragile and not absolutely obvious to use) are not described there. I seem to recall my original QPTR documentation had some description of the config macros, but more recent documents seem to lack that chapter.

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by t0nyt »

Have modified the program to use a config block for the path and am able to re-configure the path using level 1 config program from Dilwyn's download pages

Am sure the code could be done better (like sanity checking on the path configured)

Many thanks all

Code: Select all

         TITLE    Show Menu

         INCLUDE  'win2_dev_quanta_QDOS1_IN'
         INCLUDE  'win2_dev_quanta_MACRO_LIB'
         INCLUDE  'win2_dev_quanta_CONFIG_MAC'

BP.INIT  equ      $110
IO.QIN   equ      $E0

start    lea      define,a1
         move.w   BP.INIT,a2
         jsr      (a2)

define   dc.w     1
         dc.w     MENU-*
         dc.b     4,'MENU '
         dc.w     0

         dc.w     0
         dc.w     0

MENU     lea      runcmd,a0         ; ptr to lrun text
         move.w   (a0)+,d2          ; byte count
         bsr.s    endLoop           ; skip loop

         lea      met_cmdpath,a0    ; ptr to configured path
         move.w   (a0)+,d2          ; byte count
         bsr.s    endLoop           ; skip loop

         lea      runcmd2,a0        ; prt to MENU text
         move.w   (a0)+,d2          ; byte count
         bsr.s    endloop           ; skip loop

         rts                        ; all done

nextchar move.b   (a0)+,d1          ; get character
         bsr.s    doqin             ; send to buffer

endLoop  dbra     d2,nextchar       ; loop if not done

         rts                        ; loop done

doqin    movem.l  a0/d1/d2,-(sp)
         QDOSMT$  MT.INF
         move.l   sv_keyq(a0),a2
         movem.l  (sp)+,a0/d1/d2
         VECTOR   IO.QIN,a4

runcmd   dc.w     cmdEND-runcmd-2
         dc.b     'lrun '
cmdEND   equ      *

runcmd2  dc.w     cmdEND2-runcmd2-2
         dc.b     'MENU',$0A
cmdEND2  equ      *

                  mkcfstr  cmdpath,40,{win1_wrk_}

configBlk         mkcfhead {MENU},{1.0}
                  mkcfitem string,'P',mxl_cmdpath,,,{Path to Menu File}

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Re: Run a SuperBasic program from Assembler?

Post by NormanDunbar »

tofro wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:39 pm Unfortunately, Wolfgang's documentation describes the raw binary format expected by config. Tony's macros, however (which are a bit fragile and not absolutely obvious to use) are not described there. I seem to recall my original QPTR documentation had some description of the config macros, but more recent documents seem to lack that chapter.
I've had a look through all my docs, and unfortunately, I seem to only have the latest versions. I did have Jochen's original printed QPTR manual, but I updated that to Wolfgang's PDF/odf version, and the Config chapter has been removed. I do have an image of the original QPTR floppy disc, but the docs were printed on that too -- nothing in electronic format.


EDIT: Section 3.2 has an example of using the macros.


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