QL on MIST FPGA board

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by tofro »

As I have mentioned above, µ-USB connectors that are surface mounted are known to be a problem. If you can, find the ripped-off connections, and wire them to a mechanically more robust version fixed to the casing instead of the PCB:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/micro-usb ... s/6851056/
That is way more stabile and will protect your PCB from further damage.

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by Derek_Stewart »

tofro wrote:As I have mentioned above, µ-USB connectors that are surface mounted are known to be a problem. If you can, find the ripped-off connections, and wire them to a mechanically more robust version fixed to the casing instead of the PCB:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/micro-usb ... s/6851056/
That is way more stabile and will protect your PCB from further damage.
I think that what I was trying to say.

I do not like the micro USB connectors, the early Raspberry PIs had them, just asking for damage.

I think I would fit the correct PSU socket and wire a full size USB socket.


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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by MIST »

QLvsJAGUAR wrote:Last weekend I had the chance to try out the FPGA based computer MIST at the EJAGFEST 2015. After downloading the QL core I’ve explored quite a bit of it. See my results in this video:
Whoa, cool! It's nice to see people having some fun with this. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by bixio60 »

MIST wrote:
QLvsJAGUAR wrote:Last weekend I had the chance to try out the FPGA based computer MIST at the EJAGFEST 2015. After downloading the QL core I’ve explored quite a bit of it. See my results in this video:
Whoa, cool! It's nice to see people having some fun with this. Thanks for sharing.
let's say that "Appetite comes with eating" or better " the more you get the more you want" :D :D
I have to admin that using Mist-QL is a pleasure, big LCD video (without any adapter), wireless combo Keyb+mouse, big Hard Disk (SD) exchangeable with QL-SD adapter etc etc. We live for passion and Mist gave me back some interest for QL. But....the question is .....how many chances we have to see something more ?
Wish List :
- More memory (2/4 MB)
- More speed
- Enhanced graphics , that means GD2 , that means SMSQ/E os
- etc etc

Anyone else want to add a wish?

I had a look of the MIST Core sources and ..no way ....too difficult, maybe I am becoming too old :D

Many thanks


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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by MIST »

I fully understand those wishes. And all of them are possible to implement with reasonable effort and with the existing MIST hardware (and by the way also on every other FPGA board).

But: This needs to come from the QL community. I am by no means a QL fan. I've never even seen one in real life. I am definitely willing to support someone who is going to develop the QL core further. But for me personally the primary goal is to conserve the "genuine feeling" a little bit. I have achieved that and I have no personal interest in updated machines.

You could also use the MIST as a development platform for new hardware. You want ethernet? The MIST has ethernet with examples (https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-boar ... 0-ethernet). So one could use the MIST to build an ethernet setup for the QL and verify that it's actually resulting a satisfying solution. And then you could build such a card for the real QL. On the other hand if it turns out that ethernet is not really usable on the QL and you haven't lost any money in useless hardware prototypes.

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by XorA »

Well I finally ordered a MIST board.

I estimate I will have the wanted updates available in approx 100 years (nothing to do with MIST board but because of the other million projects on the go).

Chuggy Microdrive
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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by MIST »

Cool. Looking forward to answer your questions :-)

People actively contributing really makes the difference.

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by thorsinclair »

I like the idea of the Mist being development platform for hardware ideas as this makes perfectly sense. How are our hardware gurus think about that and who could shoulder the task to do some extensions to the existing model? There is many talented people here, why do they all hide right now?
:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by bixio60 »

thorsinclair wrote:I like the idea of the Mist being development platform for hardware ideas as this makes perfectly sense. How are our hardware gurus think about that and who could shoulder the task to do some extensions to the existing model? There is many talented people here, why do they all hide right now?
:shock: :shock: :shock:
The usual 2 penny for my opinion....
I remember furious fight in the past on similar subject , SMSQ/E not free(2005), Emulator vs Hardware , but.... MIST is a different animal. It is a QL if you customize the Core to boot automatically in QL mode (or other computers if you decide to load different core), you could add peripheral , hw component etc. and this is absolutely fantastic. Like Till said in previous post he most like the original QL retro behavior (max 640 kb, mdv emulation, minerva) and I fully understand this and also myself sometime want this to run old games . But (always but) having another enhanced core, in half second you can reboot in SMSQ/E so that you can have at the same time with the same hardware different QLs: Original QL or enhanced 68020 SMSQ/E GD2.
I know that someone is already thinking that we have already this using emulator, but this is another topic that i don't want to discuss, it is a non sense decide what it is better. (ex Apple vs Windows etc)
The problem is that creating Core is absolutely difficult, what Till did in a couple of week was ...well shocking, so I personally look for how to convince him to put the hands back on QL core :D :D .
I am available to crowd funding the project but considering that only 2/3 QL users own Mist I think it is individual project funding :D :D
I have and still use Q60 but could MIST be considered an evolution path?

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Re: QL on MIST FPGA board

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I have not bought a MIST yet, I am still saving up for one.

The problem of running SMSQ/E on MIST or QL with 640Kb ram, is that the the SMSQ/E Gold uses the Gold Card, Super Gold Card Shadow ram to load the SMSQ/E code and emulate the QL ROM.

Since the MIST cores are software based, this could be achieved by modelling a new MIST Core based on the Gold Card structure. Which is a 128K QL + 2Mb expansion, with links to the Rom Port area.

I am not if I can do this, but when I have saved enough to purchase a MIST then I will have a look.

I am glad the Q60 is still running, but to date only 1 x Q60 failure reported, which I think is due to the 68060 heat sink being removed and the processor overheating. I am still investigating this. But on sayng this, the fault is a user fault, not the hardware.


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