Oxford Trivia corrupt cart fix, Pascal?

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Re: Oxford Trivia corrupt cart fix, Pascal?

Post by Martin_Head »

If you have registered copy of Qemulator. You could use the original RWAP supplied question image file.

What I did was to convert this to MDI format, then, convert that to Qemulator format. So something could have got corrupted during the conversions.

I did the same with the game cartridge before doing the patch.

Just had a quick look at my scribbled notes on doing the patch. In case you want to try redoing the patch

File TRIV_3g_PEXE file length 42304 bytes, Dataspace 6056 bytes

At offset $7F38 (32568) from start of the job, replace $48E7EEFE with $6000014A (bra.l $014A)

This replaces a movem.l ....,-(a7) with a branch to just after the corresponding movem.l (a7)+,.....

There are two movem.l (a7)+,..... there, one for a good return, and one for a bad.

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