QD vB.07

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Re: QD vB.07

Post by pjw »

Derek_Stewart wrote:<>But with regards to compiling with Fileinfo2, I think a possible approach is:

Load basic programme to be compiled
Create Qliberator work file by LIBERATE dev_filename_ext
EX qlib_obj;"dev_filename_ext -OBJ dev_filename"

My first attempt at this did not work.
Probably just pissing in the wind here, as usual, but..

Code: Select all

10 rem $$chan=4
11 :
12 rem + ---------------------------------------------------- +
13 rem |<                   SBasic to Obj                    >|
14 rem + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +
15 rem | Converts SBasic programs to a Q_Liberator object     |
16 rem | file using the QLib compiler                         |
17 rem |                                                      |
18 rem | Adds line numbers to numberless code via intermed-   |
19 rem | iary file in a temporary directory                   |
20 rem |                                                      |
21 rem | Add to FileInfo2, Hotkey, or use with EX:            |
22 rem |                                                      |
23 rem | er = FEW(<sb2obj>;"<program>_bas [;<command_line>]") |
24 rem |                                                      |
25 rem | sb2obj passes the optional <command_line> to QLib    |
26 rem | Use this to supply standard QLib cmdl parameters     |
27 rem | (see Q_Liberator manual), except the file name.      |
28 rem |                                                      |
29 rem | Version 1.02, pjw, 2oi5, SBASIC only!                |
30 rem + ---------------------------------------------------- +
31 :
32 rem       Config:
33 qlb$ = 'win2_bas_qlib_qlib_obj':        rem QLib
34 out$ = '':                              rem Default output = input directory
35 tmp$ = 'ram1_sbhtmxxx':                 rem Location and name of temp file
36 first% = 1: step% = 1:                  rem First line and step size
37 :
38 rem       Get input file name
39 rem Get it either from cmdl or from Stufferbuffer
40 l% = LEN(CMD$)
41 IF l% = 0 THEN
42  fnm$ = HOT_GETSTUFF$: l% = LEN(fnm$)
44  fnm$ = CMD$
46 IF l% < 9: Bye -12
47 :
48 rem       Process command line(s)
49 com$= ''
50 rem Additional command line?
51 s% = ';' INSTR fnm$
52 IF s% THEN
53  IF s% < l%: com$ = fnm$(s% + 1 TO l%)
54  l% = s% - 1: fnm$ = fnm$(1 TO l%)
56 :
57 :
58 rem       Extract name and dir from file name
59 ci = FOP_DIR(fnm$): IF ci < 0: Bye ci
60 dir$ = FNAME$(#ci): CLOSE#ci
61 ci = FOP_IN(fnm$): IF ci < 0: Bye ci
62 ld% = LEN(dir$)
63 IF out$ = '' THEN
64  out$ = fnm$(1 TO 5) & dir$
65  IF ld%: out$ = out$ & '_'
67 nm$ = fnm$(6 + (ld% > 0) + ld% TO l% - 4)
68 :
69 rem       Filter by extension
70 IF fnm$(l% - 2 TO l%) == 'sav' THEN
71  rem _sav files pass straight through
72  bas = 0
73  CLOSE#ci
75  rem _bas file w/wo line number
76  IF fnm$(l% - 2 TO l%) == 'bas' THEN
77   bas = 1
78  ELSE
79   rem Wrong file type
80   Bye -15
81  END IF
82  :
83  rem Line numbers or not?
84  INPUT#ci; l$
85  IF NOT l$(1) INSTR '123456789' THEN
86   :
87   rem     Process line numberless file
88   fnm$ = tmp$ & '_bas'
89   co = FOP_OVER(fnm$): IF co < 0: Bye co
90   bas = 2: i% = first%: lno$ = i%
91   BPUT#co; lno$, 32, l$, 10:            rem First line
92   :
93   FOR i% =  first% + step% TO 32767 STEP step%
94    IF EOF(#ci): EXIT i%
95    INPUT#ci; l$: lno$ = i%
96    BPUT#co; lno$, 32, l$, 10
97   END FOR i%
98   CLOSE#co
99  END IF
100  CLOSE#ci
101  :
102  rem     Process non-sav files
103  rem Use SBasic daughter to tokenise program
104  pip$ = 'pipe_p' & HEX$(JOBID, 32)
105  co = FOPEN(pip$ & 'o_2048'): IF co < 0: Bye co
106  :
107  rem Slave will take instructions from here
108  cm$ = 'ci = fop_in(#0; "' & pip$ & 'o")'
109  :
110  rem Plumb in to SBASIC Thing
111  EXEP 'SBASIC'; cm$
112  :
113  rem Tell it what we want
114  PRINT#co; 'load "' & fnm$ & '"'
115  PRINT#co; 'qsave_o "' & tmp$ & '"'
116  PRINT#co; 'beep 2000,2': rem Signal success
117  PRINT#co; 'quit': rem Job done! Get rid of slave
118  fnm$ = tmp$ & '_sav'
119 END IF
120 :
121 rem      Create QLib command line
122 com$ = fnm$ & ' -OBJ ' & out$ & nm$ & ' -NAME ' & nm$ &' '& com$
123 IF bas = 2: com$ = com$ & ' -NOLINE'
124 :
125 rem      Compile!
126 Bye FEW(qlb$; com$)
127 :
128 rem      Tidy and quit
129 DEFine PROCedure Bye(er)
130 IF er < 0: BEEP 2000,200: ELSE : BEEP 2000, 2
131 :
132 rem Remove any temporary files
133 IF bas: DELETE fnm$
134 IF bas = 2: DELETE tmp$ & '_bas'
135 QUIT er
136 END DEFine Bye
137 :
If youve configured it correctly, in QD (with the SBAS/QD Thing), just save the file and press F10 to compile it. Thats the test that it works and is set up correctly. Thereafter use the compiled version: Attach to FI2 _bas & _sav. If an explanation is needed to see whats going on, see the SBhtml article at Knoware.no.

dont be happy. worry
- ?
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Re: QD vB.07

Post by ql_freak »

Derek_Stewart wrote:Anyways, Microemacs has a Hilite mode
Currently I don't have the time to do it (because of my EJC project, I will now finally try it with another compiler), but then I will eventually try to write a S(uper)BASIC editor with MicroEMACS and MultiBASIC. This could perhaps be possible.

MicroEMACS: I assume the Micro does not mean, that it's a micro version of EMACS, but the "Micro" means, it's a version of EMACS which has been ported to Micro Computers (like PC, Atari ST, Amiga, QL, ...). MicroEMACS has a fully (LISP like) programming language - you can do MAGIC with it!

Of course for beginners it's hard to learn (e.g. open a file in a new buffer is ^X^F, not just ^L or ^R), but if you've got the basics, it's an absolutely superb editor (most probably even better than Notepad++). The disadvantage (not important on QDOS) is, that it doesn't support Unicode.

GERMAN! QL-Download page also available in English: GETLINE$() function, UNIX-like "ls" command, improved DIY-Toolkit function EDLINE$ - All with source. AND a good Python 3 Tutorial (German) for Win/UNIX :-)
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