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C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:13 pm
by kmmann
Hi All

I am just trying out C68 for first time in a while and using QPC2 emulator with the latest Black Phoenix set up .

I cannot get started as when I put a basic 'Hello World' together with QD and then try both C68menu and the command line EX CC; (etc) i get the preprocessor error - filename 'V' has no extension - and the process fails. I'm certain this is a real newbie error but can anyone explain or perhaps point me to the listing of errors which can arise within C68?



Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:56 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Kevin,

The C68 compiler looks like it can not find the C file to be compiled.

If you have Toolkit 2 installed, point PROG_USE to where the C68 compiler files are located and the DATA_USE should point to the C file to be compiled.

Then just type;

EX win1_C68_cc;'-v win1_helloworld_c -o helloworld_exe -lm'

If you leave out the the -o helloword_exe the compiler will generate the executable file called 'a_out'

Try reading the the start of the C68 manual, as this does detail the C68 setup.

I do not use C68Menu, but I will have look at it and get back to you.

Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:33 pm
by kmmann
Hi Derek

I tried what you suggested and attach the input and output screenshots. I had both Data_use and Prog_use set to win1_, not that that was really necessary since all in the win1_ directory anyway.

Is it that I am trying this in an extended environment? Should I try with my Q68 in a minerva or base QL environment?



Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:35 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Kevin,

I checked my C68 installation, which looks to be the same version as yours.

I tried the command:

DATA_USE win1_c68_
PROG_USE win1_c68_
EX cc;'-v win1_helloworld_c -o win1_helloworld_exe -lm'

See this screen shot:
I think you have not specified the device on the source code file.

I have C68 files installed in subdirectory called C68, so other that is is the same.

I tried booting to a standard QPC2 setup with no extensions loaded and the above seemed to work.

Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:23 pm
by tofro
What do you expect to happen with the ā€ž-vā€ switch?

Simply replace it with ā€œ-cā€, and you should be fine.


PS: c68 works equally fine on basically every QDOS/SMSQ environment.

Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:19 pm
by Derek_Stewart

The -v or -V command switch in the cc command line puts the compilation process into verbose mode. So all the all compilation messages at each stage, including the linking into an executable.

The cc command switch -c will create a linkable module. No executable created.

The command switch -lm is search libm_a

See C68 Starting_doc for basic setup of C68 compiling and the cc_doc for details of the cc command line switches.

I suppose if the verbose command are not required, but I like to see the compiler messages.

I have been using the same C68 setup on QDOS, Minerva, SMSQ/E on multiple hardware platforms and emulators.

Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:37 am
by kmmann
Hi Derek

Which C68 distribution do you use?


do you have a 'win' which has c68 within it that I can have.

I have tried all the variants you suggest and still return the same error.



Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:55 am
by Derek_Stewart
kmmann wrote:Hi Derek

Which C68 distribution do you use?


do you have a 'win' which has c68 within it that I can have.

I have tried all the variants you suggest and still return the same error.


Hi Kevin,

Here is a QWA file with C68 4.24f, which is only 4Mb in size, but the file can be transportable to other QL compatiable containers. I have tested this on: QPC2, SMSQmualtor, Q68 running SMSQ/E v3.34 and Q-Emulator running JS, JM, Minerva roms.
C68 v4242f QWA file
(1.3 MiB) Downloaded 164 times
I have all the C68 files in a subdirectory C68, the boot programme just sets the DATA_USE and PROG_USE settings to WIN1.

The programme: compile_helloworld_bas loads up the comipler and generate the helloworld_exe executable.

The C68 Quill docs are in the subdirectory C68_docs_

C68menu does work better in non-pointer environments, Which I remember there seems to no source code for it so can not be updatd to cope with managed windows.

Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:29 am
by tofro

the sources for C68menu (the program seems to be Q-Liberated SuperBASIC) are contained in

Which can be downloaded from Dave Walker's site here


Re: C68 newbie issue?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:33 am
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Tobias,

Thank you for the information, I have actually got that source code file, just my raid server is a little disordered. A little job over Christmas to sort the QL software ot be more ordered.

Do you think it is worth updating Q68Menu?