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Computer One Monitor Help

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:40 pm
by Derek_Stewart

I am having a little trouble with the Computer 1 Monitor, using QPC2 and SMSQmulator.

When I set a Breakpoint in Computer 1 Monitor, and perform single step trace to the Breakpoint, all is works well, with the single step trace, till I come to exit the monitor using the QUIT command.

The monitor is removed from memory but the SBASIC channel #0 is locked.

I also tried issuing the NO B command in Computer 1 Monitor,to clear the break points. Which gave the same result.

Am I going some thing wrong? or is the Monitor working very well with SMSQ/E v3.21

Re: Computer One Monitor Help

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:04 pm
by tofro

in case you are not debugging a job, but rather some other code like an S*BASIC toolkit or driver, make sure you do a "G" (run) command before you quit.


Re: Computer One Monitor Help

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:01 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Tobias,

Thank you for the advice.

I was RESPRing a section of memory to load the code in, e.g. L=RESPR(612), then I pointed the Monitor at the RESPR area and set a Breakpoint, Trace to Breakpoint. Then clear Brakpoints and then do "G" command. Return to SBASIC, where channel #0 us locked.

I found the Computer One Monitor Manual, very badly scanned, I am currently OCRing the PDF file.

I read in the manual the code or toolkit can be loaded by using the Monitor Load command. Where I can set Breakpoints and Trace to the Brakpoint. After this I can Quit the Monitor without locking the SBASIC channel 0.

So the question is does the C1M not like to trace to Breakpoints outside its "safe" memory area?