QLAN-USB Adapter - working prototype...

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Re: QLAN-USB Adapter - working prototype...

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Peter!

Taking the SERNET driver as the basis for a QLNET adapter is certainly a feasible and valid alternative approach and, had it been possible to secure the source code for SERNET in the early days of this particular project, I might have taken that direction myself, rather than using the readily available TK2 NET code from the SMSQE sources.

As it stands, now that the necessary 'hooks' in to the NET code have been understood and the design of the QLUB adapter based around a generalised 'message-queue' approach, I shall continue myself with that design - even if arguably 'over ambitious'.

That said, I'd be delighted for someone to take the (albeit) simple uC code that I developed (shared somewhere below) and branch a separate project to interface directly via SERNET instead. After-all, the more options pursued and active parties involved, the better for the community.

Ultimately, it has been the design and implementation of this message-queue component that has delayed my own progress rather than whether based on SERNET or QLNET.

Anyone else fancy bridging SERNET to QLNET? I'd happily share all I've learnt (that is, once I've made a bit more progress with the QLUB adapter!)

Meanwhile, I'm very happy to see the Q68 join the QLNET family, as demonstrated at the recent ZX Show - only wish I could have been present myself :-)

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Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:53 am

Re: QLAN-USB Adapter - working prototype...

Post by martyn_hill »

For anyone following this ageing thread, you may be interested in an initial release of the QLUB QLAN to USB Bridge Adapter in the thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3590

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