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Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:42 pm
by qbits
Thanks for your encouragement Cristian
I’m still grabbing what time I can reviewing SuperBASIC and my early aspirations, I have a couple of game idea’s I’m pursuing.

In the mean time, I’ve made some changes to QBFTidy to include a LOAD command and added a procedure to sort the filenames into alphabetical order see

Catching some moments to look back over my QL World mags I was reminded of the fact that the CURSOR command can be set with both Pixel and Graphic coordinates. See


Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:36 pm
by Cristian
Very interesting!
And thanks for your efforts: I'll try your programs.
Now I'm curious about your new games... :-)

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:56 pm
by mk79
qbits wrote:QBDarts has been a long drawn out process from conception in the eighties to hopefully fulfilling most of my early aspirations. Working the code for QBDarts I came across what I can only describe as an intriguing abnormality.

100 REMark Score_Test
102 REMark score=runnimg score dp=dart points
104 :
106 PAPER 7:CLS:INK 0:PRINT 'n score - dp <=1 RED score<dp GREEN'
108 FOR n=1 TO 18
110 score=10:dp=6+n:INK 0:PRINT n,score,dp
112 INK 4:IF score<dp:CURSOR 120,10*n:PRINT score,dp;' '
114 INK 2:IF score-dp<=1:dp=0:CURSOR 120,10*n:PRINT score,dp;' '
116 END FOR n

If you check this out it will show the IF statement of line 114 does not hold true for 10-12, 10-14 and 10-18.
Can anyone explain this!!!
Strange, seems to be a phenomena exclusive to SMSQmulator. I've forwarded the bug to Wolfgang.

Thanks for sharing, the dart game looks familiar. But the basic file contains some additional broken lines in the ZIP.

Cheers, Marcel

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:49 pm
by mk79
mk79 wrote:Strange, seems to be a phenomena exclusive to SMSQmulator. I've forwarded the bug to Wolfgang.
Apparently this has already been fixed in 2.21 (and I tried with 2.20, just my luck ;) )

Cheers, Marcel

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:05 pm
by qbits
Hi all,
Where have the last few month gone!
I thought retirement was when you put your feet up and led a slower pace of life....

Dilwyn - Diolch yn fawr iawn for your Web site. I now reside in Mid Wales, sandy beaches, cliff top views along the stunning coastline of Cardigan Bay. The family have been walking the Glyndwr Way raising some money for Charity. Scenic routes that at times can be breathtaking.

Well I haven’t give up entirely on programming in SuperBASIC. Snippets of code and the occasional inspiration from those QL bit recovered from the loft space have kept me going. For the time being one program seems to have pushed itself to the front. I’m hoping to have the fully functional Game to upload in a couple of months time together with my usual pdf file explaining its background. You can probably guess this was heavily influenced by my eighties interest in Star Wars and the board game Risk.

But for now I offer a few screen shots.


Note: At the start of this Game idea! I was checking out code to create the illusion of space travel. The Zip file attached contains three basic files that show my early progress. They should run on just about any standard QL hardware or QL emulator.

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:31 pm
by vanpeebles
Hey that looks really good! :)

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:41 am
by Cristian
Great initiative! :)
I'll try your three basic programs

Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:18 pm
by tcat
Hi Steve,

Such creative mind you have :o, looks like a setup scene for StarWars game?

"Diolch yn fawr iawn", is this Gaelic?
I watch `Outlander' UK series at the moment so I am just wondering how close this is to Scottish dialect?


Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:41 pm
by martyn_hill
Hi QBits!

Those screen-captures for Galaxy AD2370 look very promising - please pursue your work on this game!


Re: QL Tinkering

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:59 pm
by Cristian
qbits wrote: I was checking out code to create the illusion of space travel. The Zip file attached contains three basic files that show my early progress. They should run on just about any standard QL hardware or QL emulator.
So I tried your files both on QemuLator and real QL (MGI + TrumpCard). Obviously they're really slow on a plain QL, anyway they work. The second file (02) gives a "bad name" error after loading, but it runs anyway.
The "starfield animation" looks fairly pretty. It could be advisable to improve it reducing the "four-quadrants effect", maybe trying to remove some stars, for what it's worth.