Using QPAC

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Chuggy Microdrive
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Using QPAC

Post by lowrybt »

I'm using my QL with the TDI installed and the 4GB CF that came with it for the first time. When the system boots, TK2, Q-Liberator, Hotkeys, QPAC all start. Amazing functionality.

There's one thing i havent figured out. When i pulldown the list of apps under the start menu, selecting any of them does my not result in a program starting. Are these items there as buckets to be connected to software to be loaded by the end-user or am I missing a step?
Thanks, Tom

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Re: Using QPAC

Post by Derek_Stewart »


The problem is that the preinstalled software on the TDI system called Startkit was not configured correctly.

I did update this for someone from the QL Facebook group with a Qubide Image file, which can be written to a CF Card or DOM with the Habi Editor software.

If you are having problems, I can do the uodate for you or supply another CF disk.


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Re: Using QPAC

Post by polka »


I have two BBQLs, my fun is to use them as they are, no more modern hardware, faster machines, emulations etc. but I bought for them two TDI cards to be relieved from the MDVs (and even from the FLPs). I am currently trying to solve the same issues as lowrybt.

My JS QL is fitted with a "normal" TDI, and my earlier JM QL with a "minerva" TDI. Both came with empty 8Gb CF Chips, that I first inited with the Haoui Starter kit.

Then, reading the manual, I noted that when you create big partitions with small blocksize, when you mount them, as their large FATs are loaded into RAM, they may reduce too much the available space for programs. And when you create partitions with bigger blocksize, you reduce the size of the FATs, but saving small files does not use the mass-store efficiently.

So I decided to create smaller partitions with small blocksize. I standardized 40Mb with 2Kb blocksize, and let mount only two of them at a given time : WIN1 and WIN2. Thus, using only two times 82Kb of RAM for their FATs.
My two 8Gb CF chips do not have exactly the same geometry : 14791x63x16 for one, and 15636x63x16 for the other. For both, I decided to use only the first 1Gb for 24 40Mb QL partitions, and keep the remaining space for much bigger partitions to be used for alien format files (for instance screen dumps for animations).

I have also one 1Gb CF chip and two 512Mb CF chips. I first inited the 1Gb CF chip with 24 40Mb partitions like the 8Gb chips.

When Derek proposed a ready to use 1Gb image called QLE319, I decided to load it to one of my 8Gb CF chip. But then, I noticed that I had no longer access to the remaining 7Gb space. The image was for a 1954x63x16 geometry, not more ; and had only two created partitions.

So I finally reloaded the image on my 1999x63x16 1Gb chip, thus loosing only a little space.
I recreated the partitions of my 1Gb chip this way :
1 partition of 128Mb with 4Kb blocksize for the QLE319 boot partition.
11 partitions of 40Mb with 2Kb blocksize for me.
1 bigger partition with the remaining space, to be reorganized in the future.

And I inited also one of my 512Mb chip - the smallest one (993x63x16), so that I could also copy its image to the larger one (1010x63x16) not loosing too much space. This way :
1 partition of 125Mb with 4Kb blocksize for the QLE319 boot partition.
9 partitions of 40Mb with 2Kb blocksize for me.

This is my situation today. But I still will have to analyse the content of the QLE319 partition and its 745 lines of S...code boot file. And reconfigure all the programs that are not suited to my display size (most use 512x256 whereas on my LCD TV, I have only 484x256 visible screen).

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Re: Using QPAC

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I can not remember creating s Qubide image for QLE319

There is images files for the Q68 which is totally different.

Can you expand upon this, as I am 62 years old and maybe forget everything...


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Re: Using QPAC

Post by lowrybt »

Thanks, Derek. Is there a corrected image file somewhere on the internet that I can download and install using HABI.


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Re: Using QPAC

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Tom,

The image file I created is a single Qubide partition, you may not be able to add more partitions.

I will have a look at the image file and see if it can copied to a CF disk and be able to modify the partition table.


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Re: Using QPAC

Post by polka »

Hi Derek, I apologize !

As I am older than you (10 years), I can justify to loose my memories, so as in your post you mentionned a Qubide Image file which can be written to a CF Card, I believed that I got the ready to use ISO image file for CF on TDI from you. Actually, I found my post where I told how I used this ISO file : ... 419#p32419

and where I found it : ... qle_QU.ZIP

This may also help you, Tom ?

But :
1/ it may only use the first 1Gb from your 4Gb CF chip
2/ but since this 1Gb image has only 1 partition of 128Mb with 4Kb blocksize, you may add other partitions behind it using the QubATA driver of your TDI (up to 1Gb, not more),

Unless there is a way (I don't know) to modify the partition table stored in partition 1 of the CF chip ?

May the FORTH be with you !
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