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Re: Covid19

Post by badaman »

Thank you for the good wishes towards Spain. Here the limitation of no going out and the closing of trade is already established.

My wife and I had already taken measures due to our health, -we are both affected by a rare disease called Marfan syndrome-, making some essential purchases and planning the time without leaving home before the measures of the Spanish government, which we estimate has come a little late, and this will make the next measures somewhat more rigid, and for a longer time.

However, the population is in good spirits, and I think the importance of being at home has been understood. Yesterday and today people went out to their balconies to applaud the nurses and doctors who are working for us.

I want to send a fraternal hug to our Italian brothers, it is a very difficult situation and against which there are not many options yet.

For the rest of us, a lot of encouragement.

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Re: Covid19

Post by janbredenbeek »

In the Netherlands, universities are closed for students since last Friday. Following much discussion, the government decided on Sunday that all schools will be closed too until at least 6 April. Also, all pubs are closed, including night clubs and coffee shops. As this was announced on very short notice (just half an hour before) this suddenly led to long queues in front of the coffee shops ;) .

There are now 1135 confirmed cases (176 new since yesterday) and 20 deaths, but estimates are that the real number of infections might be around 6000. The worst is probably yet to come :(

I will probably be working mainly from home for the next weeks as I work at a university's IT department. We have had to upscale our VPN service to handle the increased amount of employees working from home. Also, there will be a vast increase of online lectures which will pose a bit of a challenge for us. So still a lot of work to do.
As for myself, I do have mild symptoms since a week but these look more like a cold than a corona or flu infection (no fever or breathing problems, just coughs and sneezes). But under current guidelines these are reasons to stay at home and go out as little as possible. At the moment, I'm more worried about people hoarding supermarkets (mostly for toilet paper :o ) and the health of my 85-year old mum (which is still fine fortunately, but I read that the mortality quickly rises with age to 15% above age 80).

We'll see what the new week will bring. To those in Spain or Italy, big (virtual) hugs and stay strong.


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Re: Covid19

Post by Pr0f »

I really don't understand the mentatlity of bulk buying - most people have enough stored up to live for a couple of weeks in the house - might need to be inventive with recipees.

In our supermarkets in the UK - dried pasta is almost always sold out - shelves are empty - but you will have no problem picking up fresh egg pasta, which can be frozen.

As for toilet rolls - why?! Most people buy this in larger packs anyway that will last them 2-3 weeks - so why do you need a years supply - get a grip!!

And then hand sanitizer - there was a guy in our local supermarket who was asking if he could use toilet bleach to clean his hands :o :o

This has come to highlight the ingorance of our populus and the spread of false information by our media and social media outlets - they really haven't helped here at all. Yes this is a dangerous virus, and it is killing our loved ones - but every year quater of a million people die from flu and it never makes the news at all.

My heart goes out to all those that are affected and have lost loved ones through this - it will come to an end, but not before shaking our economies, taking our loved ones, and putting countless people out of work.

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Re: Covid19

Post by dilwyn »

Pr0f wrote:I really don't understand the mentatlity of bulk buying - most people have enough stored up to live for a couple of weeks in the house - might need to be inventive with recipees.
In our supermarkets in the UK - dried pasta is almost always sold out - shelves are empty - but you will have no problem picking up fresh egg pasta, which can be frozen.
As for toilet rolls - why?! Most people buy this in larger packs anyway that will last them 2-3 weeks - so why do you need a years supply - get a grip!!
And then hand sanitizer - there was a guy in our local supermarket who was asking if he could use toilet bleach to clean his hands :o :o
This has come to highlight the ingorance of our populus and the spread of false information by our media and social media outlets - they really haven't helped here at all. Yes this is a dangerous virus, and it is killing our loved ones - but every year quater of a million people die from flu and it never makes the news at all.
My heart goes out to all those that are affected and have lost loved ones through this - it will come to an end, but not before shaking our economies, taking our loved ones, and putting countless people out of work.
I agree Pr0f. Nothing that common sense won't cope with. Sadly (a) common sense seems to be in short supply these days and (b) press and social media get in the way of it with their "never let the facts get in the way of a good headline" ways.

Situations like this bring out the worst in some people. Happily, it brings out the best in others.

I'm social distancing (as opposed to self-isolating - many round here don't seem to know the difference) because I've taken the considered view that I have a girlfriend and a disabled brother who are both immuno-compromised. This doesn't mean shutting myself in the house and getting cabin fever, it just means reducing unnecessary travel, observing simple hygiene such as hand washing, avoiding crowded areas, and just doing things a little differently so that I can be there for them as much as possible. I will let others do the panicking. It will have benefits such as spending more time with my hobby and trying out new foods and generally being happy while others are panicking. Indeed, I may well end up doing things I've been putting off for ages!

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Re: Covid19

Post by pjw »

Pr0f wrote:I really don't understand the mentatlity of bulk buying - most people have enough stored up to live for a couple of weeks in the house - might need to be inventive with recipees.
Panic-buying is a viral thing too: Once it starts everyone better get in on the act or there wont be anything left when you need it! The trick is to be prepared already!
And then hand sanitizer - there was a guy in our local supermarket who was asking if he could use toilet bleach to clean his hands :o :o
Whisk(e)y or vodka (40%) should be fine in an emergency - if soap and water are not available.
This has come to highlight the ingorance of our populus and the spread of false information by our media and social media outlets - they really haven't helped here at all.
Everyone is ignorant here, to a greater or lesser degree. Our best bet to get our actionable advice from trusted sources, such as WHO and/or your national health authorities. Everything else should be considered "entertainment".
Yes this is a dangerous virus, and it is killing our loved ones - but every year quater of a million people die from flu and it never makes the news at all.
No one knows for sure, but up to 100 million died world-wide in the 1918 flu pandemic, so it would be foolish to be complacent.
My heart goes out to all those that are affected and have lost loved ones through this - it will come to an end, but not before shaking our economies, taking our loved ones, and putting countless people out of work.
Quite right! But save a little heart for the remainder: This is not over!

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Re: Covid19

Post by Pr0f »

pjw wrote: Be alert, but not alarmed; stirred, but not shaken!
Love that quote :-)

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Re: Covid19

Post by pjw »

Pr0f wrote:
pjw wrote: Be alert, but not alarmed; stirred, but not shaken!
Love that quote :-)
The first part was British Govt advice to the public during the terror scare of some years ago. HMG obviously have access some excellent slogan smiths. The second is, of course, freely after 007

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Re: Covid19

Post by NormanDunbar »

The selfishness of the British Public amazes, and depresses me. :cry: :cry: :cry:

The number of people saying that "I'm over 70 but I'm healthy and as fit as a fiddle, I'm not staying in for 4 months even if they have to arrest me!" is pissing me off no end. Stop thinking about yourselves all the time. The "exile" is to help prevent you, or others, spreading the bloody virus to people who might not be as fit and healthy as you think you are!

Other countries can manage, why the hell can't the British STFU and listen to advice?

And don't get me started on the tabloids! ;)

Stay healthy everyone.


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Re: Covid19

Post by dilwyn »

pjw wrote:
Pr0f wrote:I really don't understand the mentatlity of bulk buying - most people have enough stored up to live for a couple of weeks in the house - might need to be inventive with recipees.
Panic-buying is a viral thing too: Once it starts everyone better get in on the act or there wont be anything left when you need it! The trick is to be prepared already!
I had a brief online conversation with a self-confessed panic-buyer I know this morning. She said that I was the one being stupid NOT panic-buying! She had a husband and three kids plus elderly parents - she needed it all as there won't be enough to go round, shops will close and there will be riots, only the strong will survive she maintained. Plus, she was making sure she bought all the cheap stuff you can hoard so that she can afford to throw it away later if not needed. To be honest, the brief conversation made me feel like asking the authorities go over to arrest her and it crossed my mind that free condoms should be issued in case that level of stupidity is hereditary.
pjw wrote:And then hand sanitizer - there was a guy in our local supermarket who was asking if he could use toilet bleach to clean his hands :o :o Whisk(e)y or vodka (40%) should be fine in an emergency - if soap and water are not available.
The advice here is that it has to be 60% alcohol to be effective. But you have far higher chance of washing it off than killing it - reading the science, the science seems to be that soap binds to the surface of the virus and forms a stronger bond to the virus than clothes, skin, surfaces, etc (it's how soap cleans I suppose) , so the virus is to all intents and purposes neutralised in soap because its bonds are tied to the soap, it's much harder for it to bind to a human once it's in soap. Also means you don't use as much sanitizer, keep that for when you can't access soap and water. This is the reason why the authorities are telling you to wash hands so much. More effective than using sanitizers in the domestic environment.
Last edited by dilwyn on Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Covid19

Post by badaman »

NormanDunbar wrote:Other countries can manage, why the hell can't the British STFU and listen to advice?
Well, since you've come up with the topic, I find it a bit irresponsible that the UK is not taking action, nor is France doing it. Leaving the population at the expense of possible immunization is going to be definitive for many people, at least 3% of the population. It must be remembered that large capitals such as London or Paris and others are visited by many people from a wide variety of countries.

I'm talking about the isolation measures, of course, not the attitude of people.
