WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

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WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Doug »

Hi all,

Noticed an interesting piece on Lazy Game Reviews about a little device which can be used to connect old computers to BBS systems by essentially emulating a Hayes compatible dial-up modem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsS0E4G310Y

The website for the device is here: http://biosrhythm.com/?page_id=1453 and there is a PDF manual.

I was wondering if this would work with a QL?

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by dex »

Sure, it will work.

I was playing with its predecessor http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=243 - ConnectOne iWiFi, with success, but paused it due to lack of time.
See pictures: https://sites.google.com/site/computerr ... inclair-ql

This will be very similar.
But ConnectOne, WiFi232 and e.g. WiModem for Commodore, all of them are using various AT commands, not compatible with each other.

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Outsoft »

dex wrote:Sure, it will work.

I was playing with its predecessor http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=243 - ConnectOne iWiFi, with success, but paused it due to lack of time.
See pictures: https://sites.google.com/site/computerr ... inclair-ql

This will be very similar.
But ConnectOne, WiFi232 and e.g. WiModem for Commodore, all of them are using various AT commands, not compatible with each other.
I would like to buy one for test: is this QL program yours? I would like to have it for test it too ;)


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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by dex »

I have some spare ConnectOne devices yet.
But these are outdated, replaced by iChipNet Box http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=4045.
More modern, simpler and cheaper device, as WiFi232, will do the same job.

All my QL software consists only of two short Basic programs - one for setup and connect, the second one is a small terminal program.
I can provide listing of both, later this week.
AT+i commands are described here: http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=1081

It was intended to enhance the terminal to a full Gopher client, simple links-style web browser, and IRC (we have Z80 sources of BitchZX IRC client for ZX Spectrum with ConnectOne module).
As the ConnectOne module supports also FTP and POP3/SMPT protocols, a mail client or FTP client is matter of a small Basic program, too (such one mail client in Basic was created for ZX Spectrum).
But I just stopped, matter of free time.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn0JyxaeE0M - BitchZX IRC on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crc30k26_nc - FTP on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3sShtCrL2I - sending e-mail just using simple terminal on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Dave »

And that, also is a very outdated device.

There are cards of this type just coming to market that offer wifi, Bluetooth, SSL, ethernet mac, SPI, I2C, and more.

Honestly, if looking to develop anything for more than personal use, it might be better to wait just 1-2 months for a winner to emerge. We think either the ESP8266 (older) or ESP32S (newer) are the winners.

I'll be releasing an ESP-32S to QL serial adapter complete and ready to go within a month. It will use the QL's built in serial, which will be the bottleneck - for now. Turns out, fast serial ports on the QL are quite hard to do.

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by dex »

Connect program:

Code: Select all

1 REMark Toolkit II required
3 speed%=1:ssid$="":auth%=0:pass$="":port%=2:command$=""
4 PAPER 0:OPEN #5,scr_200x100a230x55
11 AT 2,20:INK 7:PAPER 2:PRINT" W i F i   C o n n e c t ":PAPER 4:INK 0
15 AT 4,2:PRINT "1) - BAUD = ";: SELect ON speed%
16  ON speed%=0:PRINT"QL with 8049    "
17  ON speed%=1:PRINT"QL with Hermes  "
18  ON speed%=2:PRINT"QL + SuperHermes":END SELect
19 PRINT TO 2;"2) - SSID = ";ssid$;"  "
20 PRINT TO 2;"3) - encryption = ";:SELect ON auth%
21  ON auth%=0:PRINT "none"
22  ON auth%=1:PRINT"WEP64 "
23  ON auth%=2:PRINT "WEP128"
24  ON auth%=3 :PRINT"WPA   "
25  ON auth%=4:PRINT "WPA2  ":END SELect
26 REMark
27 PRINT TO 2;"4) - password: ";:IF pass$="" THEN PRINT "none":ELSE PRINT "*   "
28 PRINT TO 2;"5) - list networks"
29 PRINT TO 2;"6) - set and connect"
30 PRINT TO 2;"7) - port SER";port%;"_"
31 PRINT TO 2;"8) - ping URL"
35 REMark
40 k$=INKEY$
41 IF k$="1" THEN GO TO 1100
42 IF k$="2" THEN GO TO 1200
43 IF k$="3" THEN GO TO 1300
44 IF k$="4" THEN GO TO 1400
45 IF k$="5" THEN GO TO 1500
46 IF k$="6"THEN GO TO 1600
47 IF k$="7"THEN GO TO 1700
48 IF k$="8" THEN GO TO 1800
54 GO TO 40
1100 REMark set baudrate
1101 speed%=speed%+1:IF speed%>2 THEN speed%=0:IF port%>2 THEN port%=2
1102 GO TO 11
1200 REMark enter SSID
1201 INPUT #0;"SSID:";ssid$
1202 CLS #0:GO TO 11
1300 REMark set encryption
1301 auth%=auth%+1:IF auth%>4 THEN auth%=0
1302 GO TO 11
1400 INPUT #0;"Password:";pass$
1401 CLS #0:GO TO 11
1500 GO SUB 1601
1510 command$="RP20"
1511 GO SUB 7000:GO SUB 8000
1599 GO TO 11
1600 GO SUB 1601:GO TO 11
1601 SELect ON speed%
1602  ON speed%=0:BAUD 9600
1603  ON speed%=1:BAUD 19200
1604  ON speed$=2:REMark SuperHermes port 3
1605 END SELect
1650 SELect ON port%
1651  ON port%=1:OPEN#7,ser1hr
1652  ON port%=2:OPEN #7,ser2hr
1659 END SELect
1660 command$=""
1661 IF k$="5" THEN RETurn
1665 command$="FLW=3"
1667 GO SUB 7000:GO SUB 8000
1670 command$="WST0=" & CHR$(auth%+48)
1671 GO SUB 7000
1675 GO SUB 8000
1680 command$="WLSI=" & ssid$
1681 GO SUB 7000
1682 GO SUB 8000
1690 SELect ON auth%
1691 ON auth%=0:command$=""
1692 ON auth%=1:command$="WKY0=" & pass$
1693 ON auth%=2:command$="WKY0=" & pass$
1694 ON auth%=3:command$="WPP0=" & pass$
1695 ON auth%=4:command$="WPP0=" & pass$
1696 END SELect
1697 GO SUB 7000:GO SUB 8000
1698 command$="DOWN":GO SUB 7000:GO SUB 8000
1699 RETurn
1700 port%=port%+1:IF speed%=2 AND port%>3 THEN port%=1
1701 IF speed%<2 AND port%>2 THEN port%=1
1702 GO TO 11
1800 REMark ping
1801 INPUT #0;"URL:";a$:CLS #0
1810 command$="PING:" & a$
1815 GO SUB 7000
1817 command$=""
1820 GO SUB 7000:GO SUB 8000
1899 GO TO 11
7000 REMark send command
7010 PRINT #7;"AT+i";command$;CHR$(13);
7020 RETurn
8000 REMark standard response
8005 resp$=""
8010 a$=INKEY$ (#7):PAPER 0:INK 7:IF CODE (a$)=10 OR CODE (a$)>31 THEN PRINT #5;a$;
8011 PAPER 4:INK 0
8015 resp$=resp$ & a$
8017 IF LEN(resp$)>5 THEN IF resp$((LEN(resp$)-5) TO) ="I/OK"& CHR$(13) & CHR$(10) THEN GO TO 8020
8018 GO TO 8010
8020 BEEP 2000,200:resp$="I/OK":RETurn
8300 IF a$=CHR$(13) THEN a$=CHR$(10):RETurn
8301 IF a$=CHR$(10) THEN a$=CHR$(13):RETurn
8302 RETurn
9000 REMark receive data
9999 SAVE flp1_connect
SImple terminal:

Code: Select all

90 BAUD 19200:REMark I have Hermes
100 PRINT "Press 1) SER1_ 2) SER2_"
110 a$=INKEY$:IF a$="1" THEN GO TO 140
120 IF a$="2" THEN GO TO 150
130 GO TO 110
140 OPEN#7,ser1hr: GO TO 160
150 OPEN #7,ser2hr
170  a$=INKEY$ (#7):GO SUB 300:PRINT a$;
180 a$=INKEY$:GO SUB 300
190 PRINT #7,a$;
200 GO TO 170
300 IF a$=CHR$(13) THEN a$=CHR$(10):RETurn
310 IF a$=CHR$(10) THEN a$=CHR$(13):RETurn
320 RETurn
500 PRINT #7;"AT+iRLNK:";CHR$(34);"http://www.google.com/";CHR$(34);CHR$(13);
510 GO TO 170

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Outsoft »

dex wrote:I have some spare ConnectOne devices yet.
But these are outdated, replaced by iChipNet Box http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=4045.
More modern, simpler and cheaper device, as WiFi232, will do the same job.

All my QL software consists only of two short Basic programs - one for setup and connect, the second one is a small terminal program.
I can provide listing of both, later this week.
AT+i commands are described here: http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=1081

It was intended to enhance the terminal to a full Gopher client, simple links-style web browser, and IRC (we have Z80 sources of BitchZX IRC client for ZX Spectrum with ConnectOne module).
As the ConnectOne module supports also FTP and POP3/SMPT protocols, a mail client or FTP client is matter of a small Basic program, too (such one mail client in Basic was created for ZX Spectrum).
But I just stopped, matter of free time.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn0JyxaeE0M - BitchZX IRC on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crc30k26_nc - FTP on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3sShtCrL2I - sending e-mail just using simple terminal on ZX Spectrum (requires serial interface and ConnectOne module)
Thanks Dex!!!

The WIFI32 seems of stocks and the man that produce it don't reply messages :-(

Dave: we need you!!! ;)

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Dave »

I was working on this just yesterday. Things are moving quickly and we will have something for you soooOOooon!

The tricky part is only that using it on existing serial is a bottleneck and the port can only supply a few mA of power, or I need to create a new serial port that is much faster. I have seen the design in the zip file on Dilwyn's site, but unfortunately the important file isn't readable/useful to me. I would love to just produce that as it can do 115,200 baud and is 10x faster than the build in serial without Hermes.

The -32 does encryption, so you can access secure sites. It also does DNS, DHCP and much, much more. Finally, you can hang a 10/100 ethernet port of it, and use it the same way you'd use wifi.

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Dave »

I did some checking. The WiFi232 uses the ESP8266 module. This module is now previous generation.

I hope to have something equivalent to the WiFi232 available in a while, but designed specifically for the QL and using the ESP-32S module, which has many extra features including Bluetooth and wired internet.

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Re: WiFi232 device - usable on QL?

Post by Outsoft »

Dave wrote:I did some checking. The WiFi232 uses the ESP8266 module. This module is now previous generation.

I hope to have something equivalent to the WiFi232 available in a while, but designed specifically for the QL and using the ESP-32S module, which has many extra features including Bluetooth and wired internet.
Great job Dave ;)

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