Rules for Everyday Usage

Please pop in here first just get the formalities out of the way.
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Commissario Pebbli
Posts: 2829
Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:13 pm
Location: North East UK

Rules for Everyday Usage

Post by vanpeebles »

General Usage of the Forum

1) Multiple Accounts. You are only allowed to have one user account on The Sinclair QL Forum. Members that create more than one will have their accounts deleted.

2) For your forum account you are required to provide a valid email address. If an email address used is invalid then you will be contacted and your account may be deactivated.

3) Forum Conduct. We hope to create a QL community with members of all ages from around the world. Please think carefully before making comments within your posts that directly include religious, political, or nationality based references. This removes any cross cultural misunderstandings and avoids arguments.

4) Further Conduct. Please treat each other with respect and dignity. Be passionate about topics and subjects, but any out-and-out offensive comments aimed at one another may require moderator or administrator invervention, which can result in warnings, temporary and (in extreme cases) permanent bans. Remember that we're all here because we love the QL! Just to add also when offering technical advice, if you're not sure, please state that especially when dealing with electrical matters. etc.

5) Spamming will not be tolerated. Users who only post spam/adverts will be banned and deleted from the forum permanently. If you are thinking of registering just to spam, don't bother, you'll be deleted.

6) User posted Images & files. The Sinclair QL Forum offers an attachment facility allowing a user to post images/files which are relevant to their posts. Any abuse of this facility will result in deletion of the offending file and a warning and/or a ban. The Sinclair QL Forum and the staff are not responsible for any of the files hosted on the forums. You download any attachments at your own risk. Please make sure you state where images come from if they are not your own and also provide the website address and details of the source.

7) DO NOT link directly to the image file on the other web sites server. This can be classed as "Bandwidth Theft" and also leaves us open to often shocking placeholder theft photos. Please contact us immediately if you see an image that you believe infringes your copyright. Just to add please think before you post images, people may be viewing from work or public places. If in doubt use NSFW in the title(Not Safe for Work). Images judged to be pornographic or offensive will be deleted and the user warned or banned.
